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Home > CFR Vocations > Formation Process
There comes a point in the process of discernment where the young man feeling called to the community, can no longer remain in the world without at the same time “spinning his wheels.” He needs to continue his discernment within the life and support of a community. Although the Lord has already been forming his mind and heart, asking for an application to join the Friars begins a period of more intentional formation in the religious life.
“Formation is an on-going process of conversion, directed toward the fuller living of our Christian lives, modelled on the values of our Franciscan life in the Capuchin tradition.” (CFR Constitutions, 79)
Postulancy is a 12-month period of formation in preparation for the novitiate. The postulants learn to “take up the Cross” of discipleship in prayer, fraternity, and in the works of our apostolate.
The novitiate marks the beginning of one’s life in the Institute. The young man receives the habit of St. Francis and enters into a period of more intensive formation in the life and manner of our Franciscan charism.
The novitiate ends when the Friar makes profession of temporary vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience.
The vows are made for one year at a time for a period of at least 4 years. Although he remains in formation, the young friar participates in the regular life of the Institute setting out to “make the Father’s love visible in the world.” (CFR Constitutions, 94)
With perpetual profession the Friar makes a definitive gift of his life to the Father, to live the Holy Gospel in the footsteps of St. Francis in the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal for the whole of his life.
Some Friars receive a call to the ministerial priesthood. Formation takes place in a seminary of the Institutes choosing.
Those called to be Religious Brothers receive appropriate formation in the religious life of the Institute. Some, however, go on to receive specific formation suitable to the mission and life of the Institute.
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