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St. Fidelis Friary, London was established in 2000. As part of their work of making all things new in Christ, the friars provide material and spiritual care to the homeless and destitute at Friar Benet’s Kitchen, which they run. Friar Benet’s Kitchen is open three days a week. On two of these days, it serves a hot meal, while once a week it provides an opportunity for clothes, a shower, and a haircut. Free care from a nurse and foot care specialist is also available once a month.
Other apostolates run by the brothers include the monthly Discipleship Day, which focuses on prayer and teaching, and the Catholic Underground (

The friars work in cooperation with the Diocese of Brentwood and complement the diocese’s work of evangelization by preaching, parish missions, retreats, days of recollection, and sacramental ministry. The friars also carry out their work of sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ by providing spiritual direction and supporting pilgrimages, prayer meetings, school visits, and youth events.

The Friars rely solely on Divine Providence for all of their needs. Please contact the friary to inquire about specific needs or visit our JustGiving page. Thank you for your generous support and be assured of our prayers.
To support our work or join our team of volunteers please contact the friary at, visit our Facebook page, or call us at 0207-474-0766 for ways to be involved.
God bless you!

Find us on Facebook to find out more.

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St. Fidelis Friary, Killip Close,Canning Town 

E16 1LX (UK)

+44 20-7474-0766 (011 US)

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